
  • Writing my blog using Google Docs

    The author wanted a blogging setup that would fit their workflow and be easy to use. They tried using services like Jekyll and Hugo, but found them to be too complex. They then discovered Prose, which allowed them to write posts in Markdown locally and have them automatically published. However, the author eventually decided that they preferred using Google Docs for writing. To solve the issues of publishing from Google Docs, they created Docblog, a command-line tool that converts Google Docs to HTML files and publishes them to a website. This website is hosted on GitHub Pages and uses a scheduled GitHub Action to automatically publish new posts.
  • Synchronizing code development workspace with Syncthing

    Use Syncthing for synchronizing all files between your computers except for code development workspaces - unless you’re in for some tinkering.
  • NVIDIA and Wayland

    NVIDIA Linux drivers still suck and don’t work well with Wayland. This can be mitigated by using iGPU with dGPU offloading.
  • Role of bias in success

    It's easier to perform well in a group if your social environment considers you to be a good performer.
  • Astigmatism and ergonomics

    Use a light theme on a HiDPI screen with a desk setup that does not encourage bending your spine. Also, go for an eye examination if you can.

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